Life Group: Stumbling Towards Wholeness
We are about to begin our spiritual journey into the world of the Prodigal Son. Jesus used this parable to highlight the 3 realms that we all dwell in at one time or another: when we…
We are about to begin our spiritual journey into the world of the Prodigal Son. Jesus used this parable to highlight the 3 realms that we all dwell in at one time or another: when we…
Open every 2nd and 4th Saturday from 3 - 5 pm and by appointment. Take home FREE items! Clothes + shoes + baby items + furniture are available.
Whittier Adventist Community Services Food Pantry is open every 2nd & 4th Saturday of the month from 3 to 5 PM. Choose from a variety of free foods and other items to take home. Children's…
Every 1st & 3rd Sabbath from 2 – 4 pm Location: Pathfinder Room (room to the right of the swings) For 5th Grade and up. Teen Leadership Track is for high school students (grades 9…
Join us every first and third Sabbath afternoon for Bible class taught by our elders. We'll learn and grow in God's word together. All are welcome.
To sign up, scan the QR code or click here