Whittier SDA’s Children’s Ministry strives to connect all children to Christ by teaching them of the love of Jesus using a variety of programs that encourage strong relationships with God.
Programs offered such as Adventurers, Children’s Church, Children’s Worship, and Vacation Bible School (VBS) are intentional, interactive, and inspired by our children’s creativity. We wholeheartedly welcome all children and adult volunteers. Background checks are required prior to working with the children.

Youth Ministry helps prepare young people in middle school and high school for effective ministry. Our ministry focuses on teaching and mentoring youth in evangelism and discipleship, with the expressed goal of guiding them to Christian maturity and participation in church ministries.
We train young people on how to apply Christianity to every area of life and encourage them to live boldly for Christ.
Our Mission
- To empower young people to live as disciples of Jesus Christ
- To model service to others and build their lives on the foundation of God’s Word
- To encourage active participation in the life, mission, and work of the Adventist faith community.
- To identify and nurture the unique developmental, social, and religious needs necessary for positive growth and development
- To foster personal and spiritual growth and increased faith

Pathfinders is a worldwide organization designed for youth ages 10-15. The ministry places special emphasis on the mental, physical, and spiritual development of our youth in order to better equip young people to participate in the work of the church and to bring others closer to Christ. Pathfinder’s purpose is to help youth build a stronger relationship with God and to become more connected to the Christian community. Many kids enjoy Pathfinders because of the camping trips, fun honors and other activities, as well as the camaraderie and lifelong friendships. Pathfinders also helps kids in their daily walk with Christ through Bible study and discussion. Pathfinders often make a decision to get baptized and devote their lives to Christ. Youth ages 10-15 are welcome to join. We also welcome volunteers at least 18 years of age.

MENistry (Men’s Ministry) supports and encourages men to grow in their relationship with Jesus Christ and to build lasting connections with their Christian brothers. MENistry meets every fourth Saturday of the month for prayer, worship and fellowship.
We also sponsor a food pantry, assist with church clean-up projects, and team up with other ministries like Adventurers, Pathfinders, and our sister counterpart-ministry Women of Whittier (WOW). If you are looking for ways to serve and want to join our band of brothers, MENistry welcomes you.

The Women’s Ministry aka ‘Women of Whittier’ (WOW) aims to represent Christ’s character in words and deeds with each other and our community. WOW encourages women to form relationships with one another and to develop a loving, caring community.
WOW believes in leading by example. We have fed and clothed the homeless, hosted symposiums on women’s issues, and celebrated the men in our church. We are now building a “Community Closet” to help those in need. If you are a woman interested in serving your church and community while strengthening your relationship with Christ and fellow sisters, join WOW.

Voice of Praize strives to provide musical opportunities for children to participate in church services. Singing was ordained by God as a part of His worship services. Many of our children are motivated by their desire to sing and praise God, which encourages them to come to church.
Through this music ministry more children have become involved in church services and have joined other ministries. Parents and relatives love to see their little ones singing. Over time people have joined our church community after coming to see their children sing. Any child who loves to praise God and is willing to learn songs can join. Volunteers can help the kids learn the songs. Parents and relatives are welcome to bring kids to church for rehearsals.
Hands of Praise
Hands of Praise is a ministry intended to spread the gospel of Christ and to help people experience God on a deeper level through music and sign language. This ministry has touched the hearts of its members and its audience. We’ve seen young people excited to share the love of Christ with others and many audience members who were hearing impaired that truly appreciated the ministry. If you have a love for sharing the gospel and are looking for more ways to get involved, love music but don’t play an instrument or think you can sing, or are interested in learning sign language, this may be the ministry for you. Anyone willing to learn and practice is welcome to join!
Mere Image
Mere Image provides special music and sacred musical concerts at Whittier SDA Church and various churches throughout Southern California. The ministry strives to bring more souls to Christ by presenting the gospel message through song. Music strikes a different chord among its hearers, and we’ve been able to reach hearts in new ways and at new levels as we present the gospel in song and sing to God’s glory. Over the years, the ministry has also founded several missions projects to benefit the community such as the Scholarship Fund, the India Project, and the Burundi Project. Donations collected during Mere Image concerts are also allotted to The Scholarship Fund which are used to help students with financial difficulties to continue attending our church schools.
We encourage anyone who loves to sing and can make the commitment to attend rehearsals and monthly concerts to come and join us. Those who enjoy raising funds for mission projects are welcome as well.

There are several opportunities to connect and enjoy each other’s company. Lunch is provided after the worship service. Throughout the year, we host festivals, International Day, and the annual Christmas party. Bring the whole family. We’d love to greet, meet, and eat with you.

Sabbath School gives students of all ages the opportunity to learn and talk about God’s Word with others. Whether you are 8 months or 80 years old, Sabbath School is an engaging, interactive space where you can develop your personal relationship with God.
Classes are every Saturday morning from 10 – 11 am.
- Cradle Roll (Age: birth – 3 )
- Kindergarten (Age: 4 -6)
- Primary (Grade 1 – 4)
- Juniors (Grade 5 – 6)
- Earliteens (Grade 7 – 8)
- Youth (Grades 9 – 12)
- Adult
- Spanish
Cradle Roll is the premier Sabbath school class, hailed as the ‘best in the West’. Babies and toddlers (ages 0-4) are introduced to Bible stories told through songs and by using crafts. No visit to Sabbath School would be complete without a walk over the bridge.
Kindergarten, a Sabbath School branch for children ages 4-6, teaches kids about Christ through songs, mission stories, and Bible stories. Kids reenact Bible stories using storyboards and crafts. Volunteers are welcome to teach the class the Sabbath School lesson, lead out in praise songs, and tell mission stories.
Primary (Grade 1 – 4) and Juniors (Grade 5 – 6) Sabbath School students grow closer to God and each other by exploring Bible topics and themes through singing, skits, art projects and much more.
Adult: “Teach the words of truth in the right way” (2 Timothy 2:15 NLV) Our Sabbath school teachers come prepared to lead a lively discussion about the week’s lesson. It is during the time of sharing where The Word really comes alive. Class participants find the parallels between the week’s study and their daily lives.

The Whittier Community Outreach ministry is dedicated to help fulfill the needs of the community. Our goal is to engage directly with members of our community and ask, “How can we help?”
By collaborating with local non-profit organizations, we successfully developed athletic and academic programs for the youth of our community, provided support in the form of food and clothing to those in need, and continue to host annual blood drives in partnership with the American Red Cross. If you have a heart for serving others, then we have a place for you on our volunteer team.

The Burundi Project began the summer of 2013 when a group of Mere Image members visited Burundi, an East African country currently experiencing a worsening in political and humanitarian conditions, to conduct evangelistic meetings for three weeks.
That summer, we were able to baptize 141 people and, since then, have continued to hear news of the church’s growth in Burundi. After we left, we began to send funds to build a nursing school and four churches. As of now, one church is completed, and the three others and the nursing school are close to being finished. Your donation will be used to provide more worship, educational, and medical facilities. Please pray for missionary efforts and for our brothers and sisters in this region.

India Project
The India Project focuses on spreading the gospel in India and its neighbor to the east, Bhutan. India is predominantly Hindu, and less than 3% of the population knows Jesus Christ. Bhutan, a predominantly Buddhist country, has a constitution which grants religious freedom yet prohibits religious conversions. With the funds contributed to the India project, we were able to participate in building nearly 50 small churches and baptizing over 3,000 people, and with the small churches growing, we expect thousands more to come. Your donation will help build churches and provide funds for baptisms in the area. Please pray for missionary efforts and for our brothers and sisters in these regions.

Nuestra comunidad necesita saber quien es Jehova. En un mundo que anda sin rumbo conosca en los brazos de quien estará seguro. En el corto tiempo que lleva este ministero, hemos recivido con alegría personas de la comunidad deseosas de conocer el Mensaje de Dios para este tiempo.
Todos los miembros de la comunidad, o incluso si no lo eres, todos son bienvenidos. La mies es mucha y los obreros pocos. (Mateo 9:37-38) Todas las personas con el deseo de servir son bienvenidos.
Our community needs to know who Jehovah is. In a world that walks aimlessly, it is important to know in whose arms they will be most safe. In the short time that this ministry has been active, we have received with joy people from the community eager to know the message of God for this time. All members of the community are welcome. The harvest is great and the workers few (Matthew 9:37-38). All people with the desire to serve are welcome.

“Prayer is the opening of the heart to God as to a friend. Not that it is necessary in order to make known to God what we are, but in order to enable us to receive Him. Prayer does not bring God down to us, but brings us up to Him.” E. G. White
Prayer Ministry is a prayer group that meets weekly before church service to pray for church members’ prayer requests and praises. As members of our church share their stories of answers to prayer we pray and give thanks for the Lord’s response. Everyone is welcome to participate as well as encourage our fellow church members to pray regularly without ceasing, and to continue to give God thanks for answering our prayers.
“It is our privilege to pray for you. We take everything to the Lord in prayer. I can say with assurance based on lived experience that God hears, heals, guides, and provides. Our prayer team is committed to praying for you and bringing your requests before the Lord. Know that God has already heard your prayer (Isaiah 65:24). Keep the faith.”
Ask for Prayer
How can we pray for you?
NOTE: Any prayer request you share will remain confidential and will only be shared with our leadership team for the purposes of prayer. You are also welcome to submit an anonymous prayer request HERE.

“…I was sick, and you visited me…” Matt. 25:36 (NKJV)
Illness, injury, or other life circumstances may prevent some members from being able to worship and fellowship with us.
But they are not alone, nor are they forgotten. Our Sick and Shut-In Ministry seeks to be the “YOU” in Matthew 25:36 who makes the effort to visit sick and missing members at home, in the hospital, nursing homes and rehabilitation centers. We enjoy worshipping and fellowshipping, but mostly sharing the love of Jesus and bringing the sick and shut in much-needed comfort and joy. We invite you to join us on our visits during designated Sabbath afternoons.
Get Involved
The Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20) cannot be fulfilled without all of us working together. One of our goals for our church community is Total Member Involvement (TMI). If there is an area you would like to get involved, please let us know. We value you, your time and talents.
If you have an idea for a ministry or you would like to be involved in an area not currently listed, please leave us a message. We will reach out to you.