Our hearts go out to everyone affected by these devastating wildfires. Over one hundred thousand people had to flee their homes, businesses, and schools. Those who have experienced losses due to the wildfires are relying on the generosity of others to help rebuild. There is a need for clothing, hygiene kits, bedding, food, and more essential supplies. Many organizations are also in need of volunteers. Consider giving whatever and however you can.
LA County Wildfire Resource Guide
The guide contains information about:
- Local Assistance Centers & Disaster Resource Centers
- Evacuation Centers and Shelters
- Where to Donate/Volunteer
- Donation Drop-off Points
- Restaurants offering free meals for evacuees & first responders
- Animal boarding and fostering
- Alert Accounts to follow
- Apps to Download
Southern California Conference: Adventist Community Services (ACS):
California Wildfire Services
LA Fires Mutual Aid Directory –
Displaced Disabled Folks